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vineri, 31 octombrie 2014

Video: 5 masti ieftine anti-acnee facute acasa

Hey ladies!
I'm back with another video, a Do It Yourself one, in which I recommend you 5 homemade cheap masks with ingredients that you have at home or at your local supermarket.
These are the masks I use the most, recommend and wanted to share with you these. I have tried a lot of masks along the years, but I prefer not to buy them anymore and prepare them in my kitchen. So here they are:

Buna dragile mele!

revin cu un nou video de data aceasta un clip de tipul Do It Yourself, in care va propun 5 tipuri de masti pentru tenul acneic pe care eu le folosesc, le prefer si le recomand.

De-alungul timpului am folosit si masti din comert, dar, incet incet am renuntat la ele in favoarea celor naturale, facute in casa. Am mereu la indemana ce am nevoie si nu ma gandesc niciodata ca raman fara ingrediente...

                   Vedeti aici propunerile mele , beneficiile mastilor si care e preferata mea:


Receipies in English: 

1.  was my fave, it is with turmeric and organic honey, it stains so be careful not to put too much honey. It heals acne, acne scars , hydrates and the honey has antimicrobial properties so it helps acne as well and gives shine to the skin

2.   white clay with propolis, white clay is good for acne, and propolis is one of my favourite ingredients. I use it in my face mask because it really cleans it, and helps with the scars also.

3. Blue Clay from a Romanian place called Raciu,  It calmes my redness. I use it only with water.

4. Green Algae, also from a Romanian brand Pellamar, it stinks, but it hydrates my skin and I put this on with aspirin, but you can use it alone also

5. Honey and Green tea, I use the green tea dry, not soacked in water because it's more exfoliating this way, it has antioxidant properties and very healthy for your skin and dark spots.

                                    Hope it helped you and your skin will get better!

Sper ca v-a placut si va va ajuta in imbunatatirea pielii si rutinei voastre de ingrijire a tenului gras/acneic.


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