I tought about the ladies who attend event during the day. I only get to see tutorial for night events, prom, wedding - nothing for the Sunday event , cocktail or friday afternoon event. So here it is, my take on a makeup I would use during the day on a special event.
Even though it is in Romanian, you can easily understand what I am doing.
PS: Next week you will see an English tutorial!
M-am gandit sa va arat un machiaj pentru evenimentele ce au loc in timpul zilei - ceva pentru petrecerea de vineri dupa masa, botezul de duminica sau un cocktail.
Daca doriti un ruj mai putin intens, va recomand un nude - rozaliu - extrem de elegant.
Machiajul este foarte usor si rapid asa ca sper sa va placa!
Vizionare placuta!
V-a placut?