I recently received this gorgeous happy package from Madam Glam with some nail polishes and nail care products. Although my main activity here is make-up, you know my second obsession is nail polishes. A girl can never have too many, right?
Buna frumoasele mele,
Am primit de curand acest pachet frumos de la Madam Glam cu niste oje de-ale lor si produse de ingrijire. Chiar daca principala mea activitate aici este make-upul, stiti ca a doua mea obsesie sunt lacurile de unghii. O fata nu poate avea prea multe, nu-i asa?
The box came carefully packaged in a buble rap envelope and a pretty red ribbon, you can watch my unboxing of it here. I truly love the way they handle their packages and none of the nail polishes got damaged from New York to Romania, so I'm pretty happy with it and impressed with their shipping - 10 days!
Cutiuta ( cu fundita rosie) a venit foarte frumos si atent ambalata intr-o punga cu bule pentru a proteja cutia, puteti vedea unboxingul la cutie aici. Apreciez faptul ca ambaleaza cu multa grija coletele si ojele vin cu o protectie intre ele pentru a nu se sparge. Am fost super fericita sa vad ca nicio oja nu s-a spart -desi am avut emotii- din New York pana in Romania. Pe langa grja pe care o dovedesc, sunt si rapizi - mi-a ajuns coletul in 10 zile, deobicei la coletele din State astept 2-3 saptamani.
I received 3 gorgeous colours , one base coat and one fast dry top coat.
Am primit 3 culori superbe , o baza, si un top coat cu actiune de uscare rapida!
The bottles are really pretty and love the logo! Their brush is clasic, very comfortable to work with.
Sticlutele sunt foarte dragute iar logo-ul foarte bine ales, imi place mult! Pensula este cea clasica , foarte comfortabil de lucrat cu ea.
I'm not showing any swatches because this is just part 1! I;m going to do a video with them so stay tooned! But, I can tell you this: I tried out the base coat and the quick dry and they are genius! They prolonged the resistance of my nail polish , so it lasted 6 days without chipping and had a really nice shine to it! I'm really impressed with these 2!
Nu va arat swatch-uri la ele pentru ca aceasta este doar prima parte din recenzie! Am sa fac curand un clip in care va voi arata cum se comporta!! Pot sa va spun atat: Am incercat baza si top-coatul si sunt geniale! Mi-a prelungit rezistenta ojei cu cateva zile bune! A rezistat 6 zile fara sa se ciobeasca si avea luciu incredibil! Sunt placut impresionata de acestea doua!
The nail polishes cost 8.95$ on their website, but I have a discount code for you! 10% OFF with the coupon code YT10OFF . Just go HERE and start smart shopping!
Also you have free shipping if you spent over 25$ and they kindly do free exchanges and returns!
Ojele pe site costa 8.95$ dar am un cod de reducere pentru voi! 10% Reducere daca folositit codul: YT10OFF . Doar intrati aici si incepeti sa faceti smart shopping!
Deasemenea aveti free shipping daca cheltuiti este 25$ la ei pe site si va schimba cu drag pe gratis produsele!
Hoped you liked this! Have you tried anything from Madam Glam??
Sper ca v-a placut! Ati incercat ceva pana acum de la Madam Glam?