I am really into lovely manicures lately! I find it so relaxing and challenging to do my nails. I saw a lot od cool ideas and they are so tempting, but I can't do everything perfectly since I don't have such a good hand at fine lines or details. I'm better at makeup. Buuut neither are some of you so I hope you understand me and maybe you will try this simple manicure!
Buna fetelor,
Imi place la nebunie sa creez modele noi de manichiura, ceva ce nu am mai incercat pana acum, combinatii la care nu m-as fi gandit pana in prezent si sa stiti ca este chiar relaxant dar o iau si ca pe o provocare cateodata! Pentru ca nu sunt perfecta la nail art , nu am o mana asa stabila ca la machiaj insa probabil ca totul e o chestiune de exercitiu. Dar stiu ca nu toate dintre voi sunteti perfecte la modele de nail art, asa ma intelegi si pe mine si poate veti incerca aceasta manichiura simpla si draguta de primavara!
So, what you will be needing:
- Nail base, top coat and matte top coat - Oriflame, Farmec
- Black nail polish I used Elf black and a no name art nail polish
- Lilac nail polish - see all of them here -The One Oriflame
- Dotter
Ce veti avea nevoie:
- Baza clasica, top coat lucios si toc coat matte - eu am folosit Oriflame si Farmec
- Oja neagra - eu am folosit de la Elf si o oja nail art fara brand
- Oja lila din gama The One - vedeti intreaga gama aici.
If you want to see how I did it sheer, let me know:)
Daca doriti sa vedeti cum am creat efectul de dantela, lasati-mi in comentarii!
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