Here are some of the makeup and hair looks that went on the red carpet last night. I love these looks much better then the Grammy Awards makeup, much more my style.
Buna fetelor,
Aseara au fost decernarile premiilor Oscar . Bineinteles ca trebuia sa va arat machiajele si aici pe blog. De data aceasta machijele au fost pe gustul meu, mult mai reusite decat la premiile Grammy.
Jennifer Lopez
Anna Kendrick
Chloe Grace Moratz
Lady Gaga
Lupita Nyong
Reese Witherspoon
Jessica Chastain
Zoe Saldana
Margo Robbie
Kerri Washington
Jennifer Hudson
Jenna Dewan Tatum
Gwynet Paltrow
Sienna Miller
Rita Ora
Juliane moore
Melanie Griffith
Keltie Knight
Patrcia Arquette
Viola Davis
Which one is your fave?
Care e preferata voastra?