Thank you so much for participating at my Giveaway in collaboration with SexyBox, 2 weeks went fast and today I have to announce the 3 winners that will receive a month subscription to SexyBox.
Buna dragile mele!
Multumesc pentru participarea la concursul organizat cu SexyBox. Cele doua saptamani au trecut foarte repede si azi a venit momentul sa anunt cele 3 castigatoare a concursului, care vor primi o cutie cu o lenjerie intima!
The winners are:
Castigatoarele sunt:
1. Alexandra Barbu
2. Heather Tiffany Carrasco
3. Mates Maria Silvia Paula
You will be contacted by SexyBox to give them your information!
Veti fi contactate de catre cei de la SexyBox pentru a le oferi datele voastre de livrare!
If you haven't won but still want to try out their program, (details here: use my DISCOUNT CODE "SexyLorena" for a 48% discount on your first sexy outfit, which would cost $14.95 instead of $29. Free Shipping for US!!! 10$ shipping if you live outside the US.
Daca nu ati castigat si doriti sa cumparati , vizitati site-ul lor aici: folosind codul "SexyLorena" pentru prima voastra subscriere si veti beneficia de 48%REDUCERE , adica in loc de 29$ veti plati doar 14,95
transportul costa 10$