A couple a weeks ago, SexyBox contacted me for a review and they were so kind to host a Giveaway with me.
So I made a video in my native language, Romanian, but if you turn on Captions, you can see the subtitle in English. If you don't want to, I will also leave my opinion written here.
So they said they are going to send me two outfits, so I can show you but the surprize was bigger because I received 3!! Thank you Lina!!
They were very nice and asked me what I want, what colour and they send me pretty nice outfits.
The material of them is good quality and the lace as well.
Buna dragele mele,
Acum cateva saptamani cei de la SexyBox m-au contactat pentru un review si au fost foarte draguti si ofera si 1 outfit pentru 3 dintre cele care ma urmariti pe YouTube!
Am fost foarte multumita si fericita cu ce am primit insa va invit sa vedeti clipul pentru detalii:
So, basically SexyBox has a sexy surprize for their subscribers each month and they receive one outfit which is chosen by their outfit.
They size range is from xs to xxxl and plus size, so it doesn't matter your weight, it matters how you feel in your own skin, and they want you to feel sexy!
The box costs 29$ and I think is a good price, having in consideration the fact that only one good bra costs that kind of amount! Buuut!! I have a discount code for your first box!!! Use the code "SexyLorena" for 48 % OFF, so you will pay only 14.95$ !!
If you live in the US, you have Free Shipping, if you live outsied the cost is only 10 $ .They also offer free exchange ( US) , so if you don't like your outfit or it doesn't fits you they will change it for you!
Sexy Box functioneaza in sistem de subscriere, iar lengeria intima primita in fiecare luna este surpriza. Cutia costa 29$ si primiti o lengerie intima, daca locuiti in Statele Unite atunci aveti transport gratuit, daca locuiti in afara costa doar 10 $. Nu mi se pare o suma mare, mai ales ca lenjeria intima e destul de scumpa si doar un sutien de calitate costa atat. Daaarrr!! Am un cod de reducere pentru prima voastra subscriere!! Folositi codul "SexyLorena" pentru 48 % reducere, si veti plati doar 14,95$ la prima voastra cutie!
Va invit cu drag sa participati la concurs.
Tot ce trebuie sa faceti e sa dati Like paginii de facebook SexyBox aici si sa fiti subscrisi pe canalul meu Aici. Ca sa va inscrieti trebuie sa completati aici: https://gleam.io/4edDQ/giveaway-win-a-month-subscription-to-sexybox-3-winners-hosted-by-lorena
All you have to do to Enter the Giveaway is to complete this :
The giveaway is active 2 weeks. The winners will pe picked randomly by the application!
Like their facebook page here.
Subscribe to my channel here.
Have a great Week!!