Hey ladies!
I wanted to actually film this post but I tought it would have been too long and boring so I took pictures and started writing.
These empty products are from July until the middle of September and are not all....I had some other shampoo and shower gel but they got lost..sorry.
Am vrut sa filmez aceest post insa m-am gandit ca ar fi fost mult prea lung si plictisitor pentru voi asa ca m-am apucat de facut poze si scris. Aceste produse le-am terminat incepand cu luna iulie pana la jumatatea lui septembrie si nu sunt toate...am mai terminat sampoane si geluri de dus dar nu mai am abalajele lor, sorry...
I usualy keep them in a bag too hold it to make a post for you guys.
Deobicei le pastrez intr-o punga pentru a va face post pentru voi, dragele mele
So, let's start with the hair products.
2 masks. One from Gliss the black one which is the best and I will always buy again. It makes miracles for my ends! I had also the shampoo done, but I can't find the packaging...
One from Oriflame with milk and honey and some shimmer in it, exactly that's why I loved it. It let my hair extremly shiny and soft. I will buy it again.Review**
2 shampoos from Oriflame one for repairing, and one for normal hair. My favourite was the one for normal hair, and I already one new. The one for repair is out and now I bought the new range. Hope it is better.
And one shampoo from L`oreal Elvital. It was ok, but not too stunning. I mean, it did his job, but nothing extra...
One Elnett Styling lotion. It was really good. I like the elnett range
One Loreal repair mousse. Again, it hasn't repaired anything. I think from Loreal the only thing it actually works for repairing is Kerastase, but would always prefer Gliss better than Loreal...
Sa incepem cu produsele pentru par:
2 masti Una de la Gliss , varianta neagra care isi face treaba impecabil pe parul meu si cu siguranta o voi recumpara. Face minuni la varfurile mele! Aveam si samponul din aceeasi gama terminat dar nu am mai gasit ambalajul...
O masca de la Oriflame cu lapte si miere care mi-a placut foarte mult si despre care v-am povestit **
2 sampoane de la Oriflame unul pentru reparare si unul pentru par normal. Cel mai mult mi-a placut cel pentru par normal, motiv pentru care l-am si recumparat. Gama pentru reparare s-a relansat, asa ca inca nu va pot spune prea multe inca despre sampon, deoarece l-am folosit o singura data pana acum...
Un sampon de la Loreal tot pentru reparare. Am mai avut de la loreal pentru reparare insa nu a functionat...adica isi face treaba de sampon si ..atat. Cred ca singurul tratament pentru reparare de la Loreal care functioneaza e Kerastase...Oricum nu as schimba niciodata Glissul pentru Loreal...
Un Elnett lotiune pentru stilizare. A fost foarte bun, l-am folosit des si si-a facut treaba.
O spuma pentru reparare tot Loreal...si-a facut treaba si cam atat:)
3 Deodorants from Oriflame, My favourite is the invisible one!
3 Deodorante, preferatul meu ramane Activelle Invisible, clar!
One Swedish Spa mud from oriflame. I talked about it**
here** . I really liked it, and I used it also as a mask for my face and I love the purifying efect it left on my skin.
One Hair X repair Oil I forgot to take picture in the hair section, but this I really like it, it's my 3rd ended bottle and it was really helpfull. Definitly I would repurchase it.
Silk Beauty Shaving gel, it was summer you know...:))
2 Shower gels from Oriflame
Milk and Honey Sugar scrub. Excelent!! The best exfoliating scrub. I wrote about it **
One Nature secrets antibacterial soap for my brushes i really love. See how I wash my brushes with it in a tutorial **
Namol exfoliant Swedish Spa de la Oriflame. Am vorbit despre el **
aici.** Mi-a placut foarte mult mai ales ca l-am folosit si ca masca pentru fata si mi-a placut efectul lasat pe ten.
Ulei Hair X de la Oriflame pentru reparare. Ei acesta mi-a placut foarte mult. E a 3 a sticluta pe care o termin si lasa varfurile foarte bine hidratate, lucioase si parfumate. Cu siguranta am sa il recumpar!
Silk Beauty gel de ras, a fost vara ....:))
2 Geluri de dus de la Oriflame, restul sunt la gunoi probabil:))
Exoliant cu zahar lapte si miere review**
aici**. Mi-a placut extrem de mult. Dupa parerea mea e cel mai bun exfoliant, vi-l recomand cu caldura!
Sapun lichid natures antibacterial, cu care m i-am spalat pensulele. Va invit sa vedeti si tutorialul, cum imi spal pensulele simplu si intr-un mod eficient **
My all time favourite night cream,
Bioclinic night cream, I mean, I'm already finishing the second bottle for night AND day:)) *** review
here ***
Swedish spa, duo action face cream. Made a review
One Pure Skin Tonic, I really love it, I'm finishing now another bottle, hehe
Pure skin gentle face exfoliator. I really loved it mostly because it has salicylic acid in it, and it really worked. I would repurchase it and recommend it!
One antioxidant wash gel from oriflame It was good but nothing to remeber:)
Finally a hand cream hahah
Tea Tree Oil, it's a must have item for a girl with acnee for sure. Already bought a new one.
An eye cream dedicated to MEN, but perfect for me!
2 Lip balms.
Crema mea preferata de noapte
Bioclinic, deci serios, acu termin a doua sticluta si de zi si de noapte! O iubesc. Review ***
Crema de fata cu actiune dubla
Swedish Spa, review **
Tonic Pure skin de la Oriflame, deja termina alta sticluta. Isi face treaba foarte bine si imi mentine tenul curat.
Pure skin exfoliant . Foarte balnd si eficient. Imi place ca are acid salicilic si functioneaza bine pentru tenul meu. Am sa il recumpar si il recomand. Sincer, imi place si ca are pompita, super practit::d
Ulei de arbore de ceai de la Oriflame, un produs care nu trebuie sa lipseasca din casa unei persoane care mai are probleme cu acneea. Deja mi-am cumparat o noua sticluta.
O crema pentru ochi dedicata barbatilor, da..barbatilor, dar pentru mine a functionat de minune. Mi s-a potrivit cel mai bine dintre toate care le-am incercat!
2 balsame de buze
One cuticle gel from S-he, bought this one from DM. Not really keen on it..
Crystal Base and top coat from Oriflame. Really loved it.
2 Artdeco nail polish remover without acetone. Some might say it's weak, but for me it worked...
2 toothpastes from Oriflame. For me the green gel one is the best. Bought new ones:D
Un gel pentru cuticule de la S-he cumparat din DM, nu prea m-a dat pe spate...
baza si top coat de la Oriflame. Mi-a placut.
2 Cutii de lotiune Artdeco pentru indepartarea ojei fara acetona. Am citit review-uri cum ca ar fi prea slaba, dar la mine chiar a functionat....
2 paste de dinti, preferata mea e cea din dreapta care defapt e un gel 2 in 1 pasta de dinti + apa de gura. Deja mi-am cumparat 2 tuburi noi.
And finally...
Fire EDT from oriflame, really like this one, and I think it;s my 3rd bottle so...yeah, I will buy it again
3 Foundations. Giordani Gold, Studio Artist and Oxygen boost. Review for studio artist **
here **
3 Mascaras Wonderlash, my favourite, 2fx mascara and one Giordani Gold
Hyper Strech eylash serum. Review **
here. ** I really liked it
2 lipglosses, they are not empty but they expired, so....to the trash with them
Giordani Gold dolce vita lipstick, thank God I have another because they are gorgeous. Too bad they are not in production anymore...they are perfect matte lipsticks!!
Si, in sfarsit!!
Apa de toaleta Fire de la Oriflame, o port din liceu, cred ca e a 3 a sticluta terminata si sigur o voi mai recumpara.
3 Fonduri de ten. Giordani Gold, Studio Artist review **
aici ** si Oxygen Boost.
3 rimeluri Wonderlash, preferatul meu, 2fx mascara si Giordani Gold
2 luciuri de buze, nu sunt terminate dar au expirat asa ca...
Ruj Giordani Gold dolce vita. Doamne fi Laudat ca mai am unul de rezerva. Dar pacat ca au scos gama. Erau singurele rujuri mate care imi placeau:(
And that's it!! Hope you liked it and you haven't fallen asleep. I promise I will make these post more often if you are interestend so they will be more short!
Si atat! Sper ca v-a placut si nu ati adormit. Promit sa fac posturi din acestea mai des daca sunteti interesate si astfel vor fi mai scurte!
Va pup,