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miercuri, 9 octombrie 2013

Tutorial Machiaj Colorat

Hey gals

I posted on my Instagram a few days ago this makeup, and a lot of people asked me about it. I wanted a colourful makeup with some pink undertones. I used some productes that are newly purchesed or recieved, the list will be below.

Am postat acum cateva zile o poza cu acest machiaj si m-ati intrebat despre el. Deasemenea si pe YT deoarece este in clipul cu unboxing de alaltaieri.  Am folosit produse noi pe care inca nu le-am testat pana la acest clip, lista va fi mai jos.

Unfortunately it looked better on video than in photos so, sorry bout that.
I think this is definitely a night out makeup and not for the day. Suitable for all color eyes. 

Din pacate se vede mai bine machiajul pe video decat in poze, insa asta e..
Cu siguranta este un machiaj de seara si nu unul de zi, dar se potriveste tuturor culorilor de ochi.

Products mentioned products/ Produse mentionate:

Face: /Fata: Studio fix fluid MAC review aici
Studio fix Powder MAC
Giordani Gold incontro review aici

Eyes: / Ochi : Catrice eyeshadow base review aici
elf duo cream eyeshadow- blueberry
Edit cosmetics trio
nyx mono iced mocha
Oriflame palette sands & greens review aici
Essence 3d duo 05 irresistible sky
pandora cosmetics black mono
Lancome Liner
Oriflame mascara

Lips:/ Buze:
Liner Oriflame 
Catrice lipstick review aici

What do you think? Would you wear it?

Ce spuneti? L-ati purta?


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