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vineri, 21 noiembrie 2014

Video: Makeup tutorial - Ellegantissimi

I haven't posted a makeup tutorial in a while, and since my last unboxing video, you guys kept asking for a tutorial on that particular makeup. I managed to film the tutorial.
It is very easy and I have use my new Ellegantissimi palette From Mineral Makeup Boutique, which is the European reseller for Neve Cosmetics, a professional Italian makeup brand.

All of their products are vegan, crulety free and without toxic ingredients!

I also have a discount code for you to use at checkout : "" and you order will me minus 5 euro!!

This makeup is elegant, can be use in any ocasion, it suits everyone, every eye shape or colour. Super easy and fast!
Hope you like it, and let's get started!


Nu am mai postat de mult un tutorial de machiaj, insa voi mi l-ati cerut in mod special pe acesta de o luna, asa ca m-am gandit ca ar fi corect sa va indeplinesc dorinta si sa va invat cat de usor am realizat acest machiaj

Pentru el, am folosit paleta Ellegantissimi  de la Mineral Makeup Boutique , care se ocupa de distribuirea produselor Neve Cosmetics  in Europa.
Toodata am un cod de reducere pentru voi, in valoare de 5 euro : ""

Neve Cosmetics este un brand de makeup italian , profesional, cu produse vegane, care nu testeaza pe animale si nu folosesc in compozitia produselor nicio substanta toxica.

Machiajul acesta este unul elegant, la fel ca si paleta versatila, este potivit tuturor persoanelor indiferent de culoarea ochilor sau forma lor.
Sper sa va placa, si haideti sa vedeti cum se realizeaza!

Products used / Produse Folosite:

Face / Fata

Oriflame Giordani Gold Invisible Foundation  - Light Ivory
Ben Nye Banana powder,
Sleek face form palette in Light

Eyes / Ochi

Too Faced Shadow insurance in Candelight
Neve Cosmetics Ellegantissimi makeup palette
Oriflame Giordani Gold Frosted white cream shadow
Benefit They're real push up liner
False eyelashes from ebay in nr 027

Lips / Buze 
Nyx Black label lipstick in Diva

What do you think?
Va place?


marți, 28 octombrie 2014

Video: Fun Manicure for school - Madam Galm swatches

Hey girls!
Welcome back to my blog!

So, you could read here the first part of my Madam Glam review, but I also wanted to show up on camera this fun and super easy manicure.
In my opinion the matt shade Sea, Swing and Sun is the most pigmented, you can only use one coat, but I used two, just to show the colour a little more and to stay on a little longer.
Peach melba shade is a shiny, pearlised nail polish. I use two coats for an extra coverage!
Pink reptile is a one of a kind shade. Sheer pink base with gold shimmer in it, it needs 3 coats to show up perfectly, it has a marble effect to it, very pretty!

Buna dragile mele,

Ati putut vedea aici prima parte a review-ului MadamGlam , insa vroiam sa va arat siintr-un video cat de frumos arata.
In opinia mea, oja mata Sea, Swing and Sun este cea mai pigmentata, puteti folosi doar un singur strat si este suficient de opac. insa eu am folosit 2 straturi pentru rezistenta si mai multa culoare.
Peach melba este un roz stralucitor, perlat cu irizatii argintii - rozalii. Necesita 2 straturi
Pink reptile este o culoare deosebita! Are o baza roz cu irizatii aurii si efect marmorat. Necesita 3 straturi pentru o acoperire maxima.

The nail polishes cost 8.95$ on their website, but I have a discount code for you! 10% OFF with the coupon code YT10OFF . Just go HERE and start smart shopping!
Also you have free shipping if you spent over 25$ and they kindly do free exchanges and returns!

Ojele pe site costa 8.95$ dar am un cod de reducere pentru voi! 10% Reducere daca folositit codul: YT10OFF  . Doar intrati aici si incepeti sa faceti smart shopping!
Deasemenea aveti free shipping daca cheltuiti este 25$ la ei pe site si va schimba cu drag pe gratis produsele!


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