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luni, 9 februarie 2015

Review Mineral Makeup - Neve Cosmetics

Hey gorgeous!

Let's talk about mineral makeup. I was always interested in it, since I already heared only good things about mineral cosmetics
Now what is Mineral Makeup? - is makeup composed out of compressed minerals. So they don't contain oils or wax additives they are pure minerals. Ok? your normal makeup contains a lot of other additives to be pressed or creamy.
I also find mineral eyeshadows much more pigmented.

Buna frumoaselor,

Haideti sa vorbim despre machiajul mineral. Intotdeauna am fost interesata de el, mai ales ca am auzit doar lucruri bun despre cosmeticele minerale.
Totusi, ce sunt produsele de makeup minerale? - sunt produse cosmetice compuse din minerale comprimate. Nu contin uleiuri sau ceara aditionala. Bun? produsele voastre de makeup obisnuite contin ingrediente aditionale pentru a putea fi presate sau puse sub forma de crema. Acestea sunt in forma lor pura.
Deasemenea gasesc produsele minerale mult mai pigmentate.

So, Mineral Makeup Boutique has an amazing range of mineral cosmetics at very good prices-from powders, foundations, blushes - to eyeshadows, pencils and pigments.
also please use my 5 euro discount code:

Mineral Makeup Boutique are o gama variata de cosmetice minerale - de la pudre, fonduri de ten, blushuri, pana la farduri, creioane si pigmenti.
folositi si codul meu de 5 euro reducere:

Today I'll tell you about these 2 palettes - Duchrome palette and Elegantissimi palette and 2 pigments

Azi va vorbesc despre aceste 2 palete - Duchrome palette si Elegantissimi palette si 2 pigmenti

Packaging is surprisingly very good. I was expecting to be similar to the ebay palettes, thin and easy, but no, this is sturdy and good for traveling, easy to open . I really love their packaging.

Ambalajul este surprinzator de bun! Ma asteptam sa fie subtire si de calitatea celor de pe ebay, insa nu, este tare, sistem de inchire rezistent, usor de deschis, total diferit de cele asiatice. Pe spate sunt mentionate culorile.

Pigments are high quality - like doesn't compare to what you buy on Ebay but I can compare them to MAC pigments, since I own 2 of those too. Amazing! A very good investment.  

Pigmentii sunt de cea mai buna calitate - nici nu se compara cu cei de pe Ebay sau din magazinele ieftine, insa ii pot compara cu cei de la MAC , avand in vedere ca detin si 2 din aceeas. Sunt fantastici! O investitie buna si de durata!

Duochrome palette - the colours they have choosen for creating this palette are perfect for colourfull looks but also for classic night looks.
The colours are out of this world pigmented, smooth , apply perfectly dry and wet.
I recommend applying them with a synthetic brush.

Paleta Duochrome - culorile alese pentru aceasta paleta sunt unele vesele, pentru machiaje colorate insa si pentru machiaje de seara.
Fardurile sunt extrem de pigmentate , moi, catifelate si se aplica perfect atat uscate cat si umede. 
Va recomand totusi sa le aplicati cu pensula cu peri sintetici.

Elegantissimi palette -  the classic coloured selection for everyone! As the other palette, colours are extremely pigmented , creamy and silky soft!
The white and black shadows are the most pigmented I have ever had! They are even more pigmented than the Sleek shadows I own, and if you know Sleek, you know they are very very good!

Paleta Elegantissimi - o paleta in tonuri clasice . La fel ca cealalta paleta , culorile sunt extrem de pigmentate , cremoase si fine ca matasea. 
Nuantele de alb si negru sunt cele mai pigmentate pe care le detin. Mai pigmentate decat cele de la Sleek, si daca le cunoasteti, cu siguranta stiti ca si acelea sunt pigmentate!

Here is the  video with the makeup I did with the Elegantissimi palette:

Aici este tutorialul machiajului pe care l-am facut cu paleta Elegantissimi:

What do you think?

Ce parere aveti?


duminică, 28 septembrie 2014

Unboxing SexyBox + International GIVEAWAY X 3!!!

Hey loves,
A couple a weeks ago, SexyBox contacted me for a review and they were so kind to host a Giveaway with me.
So I made a video in my native language, Romanian, but if you turn on Captions, you can see the subtitle in English. If you don't want to, I will also leave my opinion written here.
So they said they are going to send me two outfits, so I can show you but the surprize was bigger because I received 3!! Thank you Lina!!
They were very nice and asked me what I want, what colour and they send me pretty nice outfits.
The material of them is good quality and the lace as well.

Buna dragele mele,

Acum cateva saptamani cei de la  SexyBox m-au contactat pentru un review si au fost foarte draguti si ofera si 1 outfit pentru 3 dintre cele care ma urmariti pe YouTube!
Am fost foarte multumita si fericita cu ce am primit insa va invit sa vedeti clipul pentru detalii:


So, basically SexyBox has a sexy surprize for their subscribers each month and they receive one outfit which is chosen by their outfit.
They size range is from xs to xxxl and plus size, so it doesn't matter your weight, it matters how you feel in your own skin, and they want you to feel sexy!

The box costs 29$ and I think is a good price, having in consideration the fact that only one good bra costs that kind of amount! Buuut!! I have a discount code for your first box!!! Use the code "SexyLorena" for 48 % OFF, so you will pay only 14.95$ !!

If you live in the US, you have Free Shipping, if you live outsied the cost is only 10 $ .They also offer free exchange ( US) , so if you don't like your outfit or it doesn't fits you they will change it for you!
Sexy Box functioneaza in sistem de subscriere, iar lengeria intima primita in fiecare luna este surpriza. Cutia costa 29$ si primiti o lengerie intima, daca locuiti in Statele Unite atunci aveti transport gratuit, daca locuiti in afara costa doar 10 $. Nu mi se pare o suma mare, mai ales ca lenjeria intima e destul de scumpa si doar un sutien de calitate costa atat. Daaarrr!! Am un cod de reducere pentru prima voastra subscriere!!   Folositi codul "SexyLorena" pentru 48 %  reducere, si veti plati doar 14,95$ la prima voastra cutie!

                                                 Va invit cu drag sa participati la concurs.

Tot ce trebuie sa faceti e sa dati Like paginii de facebook SexyBox aici si sa fiti subscrisi pe canalul meu Aici. Ca sa va inscrieti trebuie sa completati aici

All you have to do to Enter the Giveaway is to complete this :
The giveaway is active 2 weeks. The winners will pe picked randomly by the application!
Like their facebook page here.
Subscribe to my channel here.
                                                                  Have a great Week!!


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