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sâmbătă, 31 august 2013

Review Oriflame Studio Artist Cream Blush

Hey girls!

This year it was creamy madness. All kind of new creamy makeup was launched. I bought these cream blushes from Oriflame, and finally got to review them. 

Anul acesta s-au lansat o gramada de produse cremoase, in trend super populare. Aceste 2 nuante le-am comandat de la Oriflame.
I like the packaging, the box is specific to the Studio artist range.
Imi place ambalajul si ca au cutie, usor de pastrat. Arata la fel ca si fondul de ten din aceeasi gama.
The texture is very creamy and liquidy. They blend in very well and don't stain.  Comes in 3 shades, but i prefered not to buy the dark one, since suits more the dark skin tones and I'm pale white:)) 
They have in it some gold shimmer, very discrete. You can see it only in strong light, so it's not disturbing. 
It's recomended also for dry skin

How to use it: i prefer with the fingers, just dab it on after aplying the foundation, NOT after powder, it will look cakeish. You can also you a small concealer brush, or pointed foundation brush, or beauty blender.
Tip: After you blended it in very well apply powder and powder blush. It will stand out and las more!
        You can also you it as lip gloss

Textura este un cremoasa, lichida. Se amesteca foarte bine si nu pateaza. Sunt disponibile in 3 nuante, insa am preferat sa nu comand cea inchisa deoarece an tenul mult prea deschis pentru ea.
Au in compozitie putin sclipici gri insesizabil la intuneric, doar la o lumina puternica se vede. Dar mie imi place si cred ca ii da un aer glamour. 
Este recomandat pentru persoanele cu tenul uscat

Cum se foloseste:  eu prefer sa il intind cu degetele deoarece pot controla mai bine cantitatea si pozitia, in plus daca mi se pare ca e prea putin mai pot adauga fara nicio problema. Deasemenea se aplica neaparat peste fondul de ten si nu peste pudra, va arata foarte incarcat altfel...Daca nu doriti cu degetele puteti opta pentru o pensula deasa de corector, sau o pensula tuguiata de fond de ten. O alta varianta este buretelul clasic sau beauty blenderul.
Tip:  Dupa ce ati aplicat blushul crema, fixati totul cu pudra si aplicati blushul normal. Il va scoate in evidenta si va dura mai mult!
        Il puteti folosi si pe post de lip gloss!


which one would you buy?
Pe care l-ati cumpara?


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