Welcome back to my Blog and Channel. I'm soooo excited about this blog post and video because it's an amazing swap I did with my gorgeous Friend MakeupMagic88.
We received our boxes during the Christmas Holidays, but we only got around to publish it now, That why you will see the Christmas socket there and other X-mas items.
Sooo she lives in the pretty sunny Australia and she knows everythign about make-up! She is the nicest person I know and I'm thrilled I met her!
She prettely wrapped everything with care and with notes.
We have set a budget but we both didn't stick to it, it was Christmas time, how can you stick to a budget, right? :)))
Watch my video here:
She sent me some amazing things I can find here in Romania, and , as you may have noticed this is my first English video, so please bare with me:))
She takes amazing professional pictures of her products and she is trully an inspiration to me!
Thank you !
Her editing is wow!
Watch her video here: