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luni, 24 noiembrie 2014

Review: L'Oreal La palette nude

The nude palette madness started way back, before Urban Decay made them super popular. But it was Urban Decay who made the boom , and after that other brands also started creating and releasing all sort of nude palettes. If we think logically, nude palette are for everyone. And because L'oreal bought UD, it was expected to come also a palette of this kind out, under the L'oreal brand name. So this is  L'Oreal La Palette Nude

So, when I first heared the news ( on Instagram, of course), I was pretty curious about the palette, and my angel sis bought if for me straight from England, which is were it was released first. Now it's available in France, and probably will soon be released in other countries, as on the packaging it's written in german also.
Talking about packaging, it's very sleek, elegant, has a gold writing on it, easy to open, and on the back it says " 1 Rose " which makes me think they will releas other palettes to. Who knows? We'll wait and see.


Toata nebunia paletelor nude a inceput , de fapt, inainte ca Urban Decay sa lanseze Naked, insa ei au propulsat aceasta nebunie si ele au devenit foarte populare. Acest boom produs de catre cei de la UD, au convins si alte firme sa inceapa sa produca si sa scoata pe piata, palete nude, in masa. Si cum L'oreal a cumparat Urban Decay, era de asteptat sa scoata si eu o astfel de paleta, sub brandul lor. 
Aceasta se numeste L'Oreal La Palette Nude

Cand am auzit prima data stirea ( pe Instagram, bineinteles) , am fost foarte curioasa de aceasta paleta, mai ales ca am in intrat in febra paletelor acuma. Am avut un  mic ajutor din Anglia , si astfel am intrat in posesia ei. In Anglia s-a lansat acum 3 saptamani, si in Franta. Probabil planuiesc sa lansezi si in alte tari, avand in vedere ca pe ambalaj scria si in germana.
Apropo de ambalaj, este ft subtire, finut, cu scris auriu, se deschide foarte usor, iar pe spate este mentionata culoarea " 1 Rose " ceea ce ma face sa ma intreb daca vor lansa si alte palete. Vom vedea.

All nude colours have pink undertone to them, and the swatch nicely. We receive 6 shimmer shades and 4 mattes.
The shimmer shades are smooth, buttery, not chalky at all, they blend nicely. (except the first white one which is a pain...)
The matte shades are nice but kinda difficult to work with. If you apply a cream base under them they will show up more vibrant and pigmented. Perfect for crease and transition colours.


Toate nuante neutre au un subton rozaliu si se amesteca frumos. Primim 10 nuante in paleta, dintre care doar 4 mate.
Nuantele lucioase sunt fine, moi, nu sunt prafoase ( in afara de prima nuanta ala, care este un dezastru)
Nuantele mate sunt frumoase, mi-a placut si subtonul movuliu din ele, si asta m-a si atras la paleta, sunt pigmentate, insa nu ca si cele lucioase. Ai mai mult de lucru cu ele. In pliu sunt ok, insa pe pleoapa recomand o baza cremoasa sub ele.


If you want a nude pink coloured palette, this is for you. It cost £14.99 and it is available at Boots.

Daca va doriti o paleta nude rozulie, aceasta este pentru voi. Costa £14.99 si este disponibila la Boots.


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