Happy new year and welcome back! I've missed writing in English and I'm sooo happy I'm back!
You've already seen here and on my Youtube channel talking about the Irresistible Me brand but I didn't do them a written review, so I took some pretty photos about them and I said I must post this immediately!
They arrived in 7-10 days, with courier and the hair is nicely packed and sealed for hygiene matters. That is a big bonus! I'm still keeping them in the box they came in so they fit perfectly!
On they website they have different styles, colours for everyone, ponytails or full wigs.
They are 100% Indian remy human hair extensions
They can be washed and used like your own hair, so you must use a heat protector spray but wash them once a month if you use them often or once at 2-3 months if you fairly use them.
I have the Royal Remy set in 22 inches long and 200 gramms. The lady who helped me pick my shade was amazing!! I wanted another colour but she watched my video and matched me with Light Brown which is perfect for my natural hair! She was very nice and kind, their services is amazing!!!
Although I have long hair, these extension give me so much volume, it's insane! I created with them lot's of hair styles and they didn't shed or fell apart.
The hair is thick and dense , I really appreciated that.
I can't say anything wrong about them because the hair didn't dissapointed me, so I do recommend them!
Ati putut vedea aici pe blog si pe canalul de Youtube ca am mai vorbit despre Irresistible me, despre extensiile si accesoriile lor de par insa nu le-am facut pana acum un review scris. Asa ca am facut niste poze frumoase si m-am gandit ca e timpul sa va povestesc mai ales ca este un subiect foarte iubit si va raspund cu drag la orice intrebari aveti!
Au ajuns cam in 7-10 zile prin curier ambalate frumos intr-o cutie neagra si o punga sigilata si dezinfectata. M-am bucurat sa citesc asta! Eu momentan tot in acea cutie le tin pentru a le feri de praf si scame. Sunt multumita de alegerea facuta!
Sunt 100% par Remy Indian natural .
Pot fi spalate si ingrijite ca parul vostru. Eu le protejez de caldura cu un spray cu protectie termica si folosesc fixativ pentru ele. Daca le folositi des fa recomand sa le spalati cam la o luna, daca le folositi rar, le puteti spala la 2-3 luni normal cu samponul vostru.
Eu am setul Royal Remy de 22 de inci si 200 de grame. Doaman de acolo care m-a ajutat prin e-mail sa imi aleg nuanta a fost muuult muuuult mai draguta decat doamnele din Romania de la o firma de extensii care a tinut sa precizeze ca "am parul prea lung pentru extensii" , doamna aceasta de la Irresistible Me a fost foarte amabila si s-a uitat la clipurile mele si mi-a ales nuanta Light Brown care se potriveste excelent!
Desi parul meu este lung si des, este subtire. Tocmai de aceea cand doresc un volum si o coafura frumoasa pentru evenimente apelez la ele. Nu dau gres niciodata!
Le-am folosit in mai multe coafuri, le-am ondulat cu placa si nu au pierdut par!! Nu am nimic denagtiv sa spun despre ele , Tocmai de aceea le recomand!
Recently they have launched their Sapphire 8 in 1 curler! Can't wait to try it!
Recent, ei au lansat si ondulatorul cu capete interschimbabile Sapphire 8 in 1. De abia astept sa il folosesc!
What do you think? Have you tried anything from them yet?
If you want to order you can use my code "Irresistible Lorena" for 10% OFF on any order here.
Ce parere aveti? Ati incercat pana acum ceva de la ei?
Daca doriti sa comandati de la ei , folositit codul meu "Irresistible Lorena" pentru 10% reducere la orice produs aici