I noticed you really appreciate my hair posts/videos so I'm trying to bring you as often as possible interesting news and pretty hair styles for the holidays.
Today I'm going to show you some pretty hair accesories from Irresistible Me, these are so versatile and perfect for any ocasion. Also,on their website they have different styles and models for all of you ladies.
You can use them every day or at special ocasions such as prom, weddings, Christmas, New Year or any party. They glam up your look instatly!
Also, I have a special code for you which you can use for 10% off - "Irresistible Lorena"
During this Holiday season they have pretty good sales up to 40% OFF!
Buna dragile mele!
Am observat ca apreciati articolele si clipurile care contin produse pentru par sau coafuri, asa ca incerc cat de des posibil sa va scriu si sa filmez si din acest domeniu.
Azi va arat niste accesorii de par foarte frumoase de la Irresistible Me , sunt foarte versatile si se potrivesc oricarei ocazii. Deasemenea la ei pe site,mai gasiti si alte modele care sa se ridice asteptarilor voastre.
Sunt potrivite la orice eveniment ati avea fie el de zi, sau de seara precum baluri, nunti, botezuri, Craciun, Revelion sau orice alta petrecere. Va transforma lookul instant!
Deasemenea am pentru voi un cod de reducere de 10 % "Irresistible Lorena".
Acum in preajma sarbatorilor au reduceri de pana la 40% la toate produsele!
What do you think?
Ce parere aveti?