If you watched my video with the Oriflame Unboxing, you've seen the 2 new musky perfumes, that Oriflame has released this campaign. Me and hubby love them! They have 50 ml each but I think is enough for this fall and winter:)
Love the packaging, but mostly the one for women. I think they put more effort in developing that than the masculine one. The bottle and the box is a bit plain, but, i guess the scent is more important.
Dragele mele,
daca ati urmarit clipul cu Oriflame Unboxing, ati vazut cele doua parfumuri noi lansate de Oriflame in aceasta campanie. Eu si sotul meu le iubim! Fiecare are 50 de ml insa cred ca e suficient pentru aceasta toamna si iarna.
Imi plac mult ambalajul, indeosebi cel pentru femei. Cred ca au muncit mai mult la acela decat la cel masculin. Barbatii au cam fost neglijati la partea de ambalaj(sticla si cutie) mise pare putin cam simplu, insa mirosul conteaza:)
Power Musk is a very masculin scent and perfect for automn. My handsome Hubby loves it!
Notes: musk, nutmeg and oud tree
Power Musk este un parfum foarte mascultin, impunator perfect, pentru toamna. Iubitului meu sot ii place:)
Note: mosc, lemn de out si nucsoara
Seductive Musk is ultra feminine. I just love the scent. My new favourite perfume. I think it's perfect for day and evening. Some people don;t really like mosk in their perfume, but this is sweet and rosy. Definitely I will repurchase!
Notes : roses, mosk and cashmere
Seductive Musk este un parfum ultra feminin! Cand am mirosit pagina parfumata in catalog mi-a placut, dar sincer, cred ca ati vazut in video ca mi-a placut si mai mult cand l-am avut in mana.
Unor persoane nu le plac parfumurile cu mosc, insa trebuie sa va spun ca nu e foarte intepator si deranjant. Aroma trandafirilor dulci e prezenta si tare draguta. Oricum, a devenit parfumul meu preferat nou:)) si il port si ziua si seara, imi place foarte foarte mult!
Persista 5-6 ore, pe haine si mai mult... Cu siguranta am sa il recumpar!
Note: mosc, trandafir si casmir
the price range is aproximately 10 euros discounted
pretul lor este de 40 ron la oferta. Insa le puteti cumpara cu reducere aici .
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