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miercuri, 26 noiembrie 2014

Perfume of the moment : Possess by Oriflame Parfumul momentului

Cleopatra is a woman whose strength, intelligence and beauty have turned it into a legend that lasted over time. In a world dominated by men, she gets everything she wants.
           The last queen of Egipt inspired Oriflame to make this perfume which cand perfectly fit in the list with some high end brands.

Cleopatra este o  femeie ale carei forta, inteligenta si frumusete au transformat-o intr-o legenda ce a dainuit in timp. Intr-o lume dominata de barbati, ea obtine… tot ceea ce isi doreste.
           Ultima regina a Egiptului i-a inspirat pe cei de la Oriflame in creearea acestui parfum care s-ar potrivi intr-o lista cu parfumuri de marca.

It has an exotic flavor, the sensual ylang ylang, which is the main ingredient of the perfume Possess
 Flagship flower in the fine fragrance industry, ylang ylang has long been associated with love. Now we know for certain that the fragrance of this delicate flower is has intense aphrodisiac properties.
Are o aroma exotica, senzuala de ylang ylang, care este ingredientul principal al apei de parfum Possess. Floare emblematică în industria de parfumuri fine, ylang ylang a fost multa vreme asociată cu iubirea. Acum, ştim cu certitudine ca parfumul acestei flori delicate are proprietati intens afrodisiace. 

Daphne Bugey and Dora Baghriche-Arnaud signed this creation. The scent opens with accords of pineapple, grapefruit and freesia. The heart captures orange blossom, ylang-ylang as a major accord, and sweet raspberry. The base is made of sandalwood from Sri Lanka, patchouli and vanilla from Madagascar.
Daphne Bugey si Dora Baghriche-Arnaud au semnat aceasta creatie olfactiva. Notele de varf  sunt date de arome de ananas, grapefruit si frezii. Notele de mijloc cuprind flori de portocal, Ylang-Ylang si zmeura. Notele de baza sunt  date de lemn de santal din Sri Lanka, patchouli  si vanilie din Madagascar.

Possess collection is enriched with trendy accessories, a bracelet and a statement bag envelope, both inspired by the design of the perfume bottle.
Colectia Possess este imbogatita de accesorii in tendinte, o bratara statement si o geanta plic, ambele cu design inspirate de sticla parfumului. 

photo credit Oriflame

Also I love the design of the bottle, the fact that it doesn't have a cap, it has a blocking sistem , the snake detail and last all day!! On me the most it lasted was 7 - 8 hours!! Wow!
Deasemenea imi place si ambalajul, imi place faptul ca nu are capac, imi place sistemul de blocare al pulverizatorului, accesoriul in forma de sarpe si faptul ca persista!! Pe mine cel mai mult a durat 7-8 ore!! Wow!

European aprox. price : 20 Euro discounted - 35 euro full price.

Pret: 80 acum, la reducere ( 150 pret intreg) 

I definitely recommend it!

Vi-l recomand cu mult drag! Nu uitati ca aveti reducere suplimentara ca si client direct!!! 

Have you tried it?

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