In primul rand va spun ca ma vedeti din nou imbracata cu aceeasi rochita ca acum 2 zile, si asta datorita faptului ca am filmat 3 clipuri intr-o zi, sper sa nu va deranjeze acest fapt.
Acum sa trecem la subectul principal, clipul cu produse terminate, adunate pe parcursul cam a 2 luni sau mai putin, nu mai retiin exact.
Veti vedea multe produse de par, multe testere si produse pentru ingrijirea tenului. Sper sa va placa!
Azi va spun din start va asteapta un clip mai lung! Stiti ca prefer safac clipurile 10 , maxim 15 minute , dar de data aceasta a iesit de 21...multumesc pentru mesajele frumoase scrise pe facebook, ma bucur ca, chiar si asa sunteti curioase de el si v-ati bucurat cand v-am spus!
Am primit in ultima vreme cateva press kit-uri si mi-am comandat / cumparat cateva produse noi de care aveam nevoie si mi le doream foarte tare.
I was missing a bold Smokey eye makeup look so here it is, I thought I would film it , since I had to record a couple of videos.
I didn't have a specific model in front of me but I always wanted to do a halo type of makeup look so I took a shot and came up with this. It is indeed, more dramatic than everything you have seen on my channel, but I know you also wanted something like this:)
I will list down below the product list for you to see.
Ca tot veni vara , m-am gandit sa dau intaietate clipului Ce am in Geanta de plaja, iar mai apoi va voi arata ce am in geanta mea de zi cu zi. A venit chiar la fix cerere voastra, avand in vedere ca am profitat de ultimele zile de canicula - acum la Oradea ploua... - si am vizitat o piscina din Baile 1 Mai.
Am fost pentru prima data in acest loc si am fost tare incantata de cum arata totul si cat de ingrijit era locul. Am sa mai merg. Am mai profitat si de faptul ca am primit noutatile lansate de catre Farmec in Gama Gerovital H3 Derma+ , probabil le-ati vazut zilele acestea si pe Instagram si pe Facebook la colegele mele Bloggerite.
La tanc, numai bine le-am testat , le-am folosit si am fost multumita de ele! Ca niciodata , dupa prima expunere la soara nu m-am ars pe spate cu factor de protectie 30 insa , ce-i drept , l-am aplicat de 2 ori in timpul zilei:)
Produsele au un m iros extrem de placut si sunt usor de folosit ( lotiunea dupa plaja miroase putin cam tare a mentol, insa nu mi atat de tare incat sa ti se faca rau!), nu sunt lipicioase si rezistente la apa. Totusi, va recomand inainte sa intrati in apa sa lasati crema/lotiunea sa intre in piele cam 20 de minute. Apoi va puteti balaci in liniste!
Gerovital H3 Derma+ Sun este prima linie de dermatocosmetice creata in colaborare cu specialisti din domeniul sanatatii, pentru a raspunde nevoii de protejare a pielii impotriva agresiunii radiatiilor solare.
GH3 Derma+ SUN este o linie solara cu formule inovatoare pe baza de Ulei natural ecocertificat Inca Omega, bogat in acizi grasi esentiali omega 3-6-9 care refac integritatea stratului hidrolipidic protector, normalizeaza procesul de cheratinizare, imbunatateste gradul de hidratare.
I haven't writen in this Perfume Of The Moment section in like a decade....I think I forgot, because I have material for this section enough for the whole year!
I bought these 2 perfumes for Valentine's day for me and my sweet hubby from Oriflame. I have to confess from the beggining His perfume smells soooo much better than mine.
Mine is very sweet and strong - His is very masculin and sexy.
The packaging to both of them is unique, architectural design.
Of course easy to use, and very resistent glass.
Men are always more lucky since they get 25 ml extra than us , but what to do. They probably use moooore perfume than us , at least my man does. Hahaha
Both stay on our skins about 5 hours strongly.
I can't compare it to something because it's an unique scent even on Fragrantica, no one could compare it to something and everyone loves it!
On the other side, So fever for Men it is compared to Gucci Guilty, don't know about that...
Love their provocative , sexy ads. Very Valentine's day , love celebrating photos.
Long time since I did a fashion post/video, but I'm back with new dresses - just because I will always be a dress addict! It can never beat a two piece outfit - for me . I love how they look and me, not because I am lazy but because they are feminine and lovely and elegant.
All dresses are from DressLink, you have seen other dresses I have got from there. They have great dresses and prices.
The shipping cost it is evaluated at the amount of items you order, if you order many clothes the shipping will be higher, yet it never costed me more than 15$ for 3 items.
I hope you will enjoy the video and please give a Thumbs Up if you do!
Many thanks to my sweet hubby for taking the pics and filming me! Love you boo!
Since summer is here and Oriflame has release new summer nail polish shades I thought it would be the best moment to get out of my comfort zone and wear this green-turqouise shade in Lush Ivy.
At first I was surprised, because in the catalogue it looked quite different , but in the end I ended up likeing it.
I reviewed here all the Long Wear Nail Polishes by Oriflame and the new ones are not different, maybe the formula is slightly better, more opaque and as always, easy to apply with their full large brush. It is very easy to apply one coat with this nail polish without messing it up. Even begginers agree:)
If you take the right amount, one coat is enough for an opaque look but, I like to apply 2.