duminică, 31 mai 2015

Video Vlog + Foloseste deodorantul la maxim!

Un nou video, de data asta un Vlog, fiindca mi-ati cerut si trebuie sa va fac pe plac! Deobicei nu filmez vloguri findca nu fac zilnic treburi ce merita filmate si nu vreau sa va plictisesc, azi insa va arat acest clip pe care l-am filmat cu drag pentru voi si totodata am vrut sa testez live, de-alungul unei zile noile deodorante cu Acid Hialuronic de la Gerovital H3 evolution, o premiera in Romania, adusa in dar de la Farmec. 
Mie personal imi plac foarte mult si tocmai de aceea am hotarat sa vi le arat si sa vedem daca functioneaza indeosebi pentru ca nu contin parabeni, acool sau triclosan.

Am avut de machiat 7 fete in 2 locatii , bineinteles am folosit alte produse si vroiam sa va arat si pe acelea.

Gasiti deodorantele aici. 

Diamond are un parfum floral discret, dar foarte bine accentuat de note de tuberoze, flori de portocal si mandarine si temperat de o bază vanilata, cu doar un strop aromat de mosc si ambra. 

Sapphire  are o amprenta parfumata eleganta si distinsa, ideala pentru femeile delicate, iar notele de trandafiri si iasomie, construite pe baza sofisticatului lemn de santal si a catorva atingeri delicate de mosc

Pearl  este un deodorant cu note dulci, potrivit pentru femeile romantice  O combinatie de parfumuri fructate si florale, Pearl are la bază un miez vanilat intens, alaturi de note discrete de rom si mosc pentru un plus de seductie si frumusete.

V-au placut trucurile?


joi, 28 mai 2015

Review: Oriflame Giordani Gold Secret Concealer

Hey loves,

New Oriflame products are going to be soon reviewd because they sure launched a looot! Very good news indeed.

When I am looking for a concealer I want it to be high in coverage. I don't have very proeminent dark circles but I still need to highlight, and I can't do it with any concealer, this is when I pick a solid one.

Like this Secret Concelear by Oriflame it reminds me entirely of the Estompe Eclat Chanel Stick Concealer, which I also own and love.

The packaging is the same upgraded luxurious style that Giordani Gold has showen us so far. The plastic is good quality, just like the Chanel one.

I love to apply it under my eyes and on my acne spots.

Covers perfectly everything and I am please with this product. It is medium to full coverege, it rally depends on your skin, what do  you want to cover and how do you use it.

The texture of it is dense but creamy in the same time, it is not heavy at all, doesn't set in fine lines IF set properly.

The price is very small and Oriflame consultants can get extra discount on it

Left is with flash and right is with ring light only.
It has covered up my veins very well.

Have you tried it?
Stay tuned because more exciting Giordani Gold products will soon be reviewed here!


marți, 26 mai 2015

Review Melkior Cosmopolitan Lipstick and Lilith Eyeshadow

Hey loves,

I am so happy to finally talk about this brand because I have only heard good things about Melkior.
It is a brand developed by two friends, who wanted every woman to be and feel irresistible with accesible professional products.
In its portofolio, Melkior has about everything a make-up artist would want + a beautician,  a nail artist and hair stylist. whoaaaa Amazed? I am.

Eyeshadows, eye pencils, foundations, professional powders aaaand I love ther magnetic palettes for a reasonable price!!!

Melkior is available in Romania, France, Belgium, Switzerland and Monaco.

Everything came arranged very pretty and with care.
I also got a Lipstick USB Stick, how cool is that ??!?!
and....Je suis Belle mirror , for you know, checking moments

I got a lipstick and an eyeshadow, but  after this I got a set of 6 eyeshadow pans and a mini magnetic palette!!

I must say and double mention that these eyeshadows have blown me away!

The pigmentation is up there with MACs or even better.
You only need a tiny amount of product when creating a make-up. Not to mention the fact they are large size pans ... 3.2 grams. Kryolan has 2.5 and MAC 1.5...
These will last you a looot!
They apply evenly, so you won't get patchy make-up
Doesn't creases if you wear eye primer underneath
They are not very creamy or buttery but neither chalky, so somewhere in between.

The only downside to these is that they are kinda dusty if you pick up a lot of products, so you need to either apply small amount of product at a time or do you fundation after your eyes.

Here I have the shade Lilith which reminds me of Melt cosmetics Love sick eyeshadow .
I will soon review my other 6 eyeshadows.
The packaging is so cute, it even comes with a miror inside!

The lipstick I have is Cosmopolitan from the Shiny range.
A blue toned fuchsia, gorgeous on the lips! Creamy but also stainy , so it will last you 4 hours for sure.


I hope you enjoyed this review!
If you try any of the Mlekior products, let me know.


luni, 25 mai 2015

Video: Review + Demo: Scholl Velvet Smooth Diamonds - Rutina de Ingrijire a picioarelor + CONCURS

Vine vara , bine-mi pare,in picioare am sandale. Dar daca nu avem picioare frumoase ce ne facem? Mergem la salon sau ne ingrijim acasa?

Eu prefer a doua varianta cand vine vorba de ingrijirea picioarelor. Nu o spun eu , ci si alte doamne, deja e prea riscant sa incerc in fiecare luna alt salon...asa ca, punem sanatatea pe primul loc si investestim in produse personale de inalta calitate si siguranta.

Tocmai de aceea, m-am gandit sa va arat Rutina de ingrijire a picioarelor mele, sau , cum le pregatesc eu pentru vara. Ce-i drept, nu am talpile/calcaiele crapate , insa expuse mult , mult timp se usuca foarte repede, iar mie mi plac picioarele fine fine fine.

V-am intrebat recent, pe Facebook daca doriti un clip la produsele School, demonstratie la pila electronica cu cristale de diamant, asa ca , m-am conformat si aici este.

Vizionare placuta!

Aparatul indeparteaza delicat pielea uscata, ingrosata, nu m-a durut deloc pielea folosind aceasta pila electronica. Ca sa fie mai eficienta, capatul rotativ are particule micro abrazive cu cristale de diamant.
Ca si siguranta, aparatul are un sistem de oprire, daca va uitati la televizor, YouTube, pierdeti notiunea si apasati prea tare, el se opreste singur. Fiti blande cu voi insiva!

Deasemenea, cand cumparati pila, care are acum un pret special in magazine primiti si cele 4 baterii incluse in pachet.
*pretul recomandat pentru Scholl Velvet Smooth Diamond este de 179 lei. Se gaseste in Carrefour, Auchan, Mega Image, emag.ro, Cora, Kaufland, DM si farmacii. Il puteti cauta atat la raionul de produse destinate ingrijirii picioarelor cat si la cel de aparate electrice.

                                                         Cele 4 produse mentionate in clip:

Scholl Velvet Smooth Gel Emolient  - miroase foarte fresh si m-a pus intr-o buna dispozitie! contine caviar verde, ser marin si Vitamina e. Face o spuma frumoasa si inmoaie bland picioarele.

Scholl Velvet Smooth Ser intens hidratant - acesta l-am aplicat dupa pilire si spalare , astfel incat si-a facut treaba la putere maxima, ne mai avand nicio bariera de piele uscata . Mi-a placut mult si mi-a lasat talpile moi.

Pentru ingrijirea zilnica folosesc Scholl Velvet Smooth crema hidratanta de zi , o crema lejera, cu o textura fina si subtire care contine MarineActive, Daymoist, Vitaminele A , E si omega 6 . Crema nu protejeaza impotriva transpiratiei insa nici nu face pielea grasa si nici nu alunecati in pantofi haha

Dupa o zi de plimbare intensa folosesc Scholl Velvet Smooth  masca hidratanta de noapte, textura acesteia este una mult mai grasa si se simte pielea mult mai hidratata. Ajuta la repararea structurii pielii deteriorate cu Marine Active, Pentavivit , Vitaminele A , E si ulei de migdale.

V-a placut? Ati incercat pana acum aceasta pila electronica?
daca nu , va invit la CONCURS!!!


Raspundeti in sectiunea de comentarii la urmatoarea intrebare: 
astfel una dintre voi poate sa benefieze de propriul rasfat cu pila electronica Sholl Velvet Smooth cu cristale de diamant 

 Ce ritual de infrumusetare folositi pentru a va rasfata picioarele?

concursul se va derula pe o perioada de 2 saptamani, pana pe 8 iunie
PS: Later edit, dat fiind faptul ca am putut doar in 12 iunie sa extrag castigatoarele, am luat in considerare toate inscrierile.
Castigatoarea a fost aleasa prin random.org


Multumesc tuturor celor care ati participat !
Felicitari Mariana Ignatescu ! Astept datele tale in maxim 48 de ore.  


vineri, 22 mai 2015

Video: How to curl your hair with Diamond flat iron | Mademoiselle Lorraine

Hey loves,

Finally a new English video, and this one is about my new Flat Iron from Irresistible Me which you can find here.
I have made in the past videos using my Saphire IrresistibleMe wand, you can watch it here, but I always like tot try out new ways to curl my hair, to see which one I like best and which one lasts longer.
Curls make me feel more comfortable than straight hair, even though I like to wear it straight also. Buuut curls are romantic and girly and that's why I like them.


Irresistible Me says: "In terms of quality, our hair straightener is up there with ghd and NuMe, but with a considerable smaller price tag ($149 versus $200 for NuMe and $240 for ghd)."

* a 360° mobile cord 
* all buttons are on the inside so you don't accidentally change the settings
* shuts down automatically in 30 minutes
* gets hot (450F/230C) really fast, in up to 15 seconds
* intelligent heat display that lets you see the temperature all the time
* the 1'' floating plate self-adjusts, eliminating any pressure points, so that the iron can work through your hair smoothly without pulling

Have you tried it? 

I have a special Discount Code for you  - "IrresistibleLorena" for 10% OFF .



joi, 21 mai 2015

The Body Shop Fuji Green tea Bath Tea + New eye matte kajals

Hey Loves,

I recently got these beauty news from The Body Shop Romania and I fell in love. The bath tea is divine, super relaxing and smells like peace. Does peace have a smell? Yes! It's in this bath infusion! Trust me, it's worth it!

Who has too many kajals? No one, it's on the consumables list, and those my friend are often used... So, I always test and use a lot of kajals, it is a product everyone needs in their busy life, right?

The Fuji Green Tea collection has a variety of products dedicated to the relaxation of the body and soul including body scrub, perfume, body lotion, body butterm body sorbet, body wash and bath tea infusion.

 The first step to detox and clean is the Bath tea infusion which contains real green tea leaves from the hard of Japan, the base of the Fuji muntain. The Green tea leaves help detox the skin, leaving it toxin free, moisturises it and helps closing the pores.

I do find it very relaxing, it is easy to use but I feel it leaves the skin a bit oily.
After you use the body lotion you are ok.

The only down side to this product it's it price. Kinda expensive and little product but peace is never cheap...

Now to the eye kajals. The matte eye kajals are available in two shades - black and white , which you can use together or individualy. You can really make a statement by using a double eyeliner with these two, the metod is very In right now and super fashion.

They are enriched with black rose water and marula oil obtained through the Community Fair Trade program. 
The kajal itself is pigmented, easy to use but I would have liked it to be more soft . You have to go twice to be opaque. 

On the waterline it doesn't resist all day, I recommend to fix it with black or white eyeshadow but on the eyelid as a base it is bulletproof. Super resistent and pops up the colour instantly.

Have you tried any of the products presented above? 



miercuri, 20 mai 2015

Review Eucerin products

I recently got this press kit from Eucerin Romania, they kindly send me this goodie bag as a gift, and I like it so much I had to do a review on it.
Also, I found very  the idea of adding a sweet jar in th bag as a gift, filled with Jelly Belly bon bons. I still have some left, they were trully Yummy. They are from the shop called bonbonshop.ro

So let me tell you what I got: an oil based shower gel with dexpanthenol, Dermatoclean micelar water and Lip Aktiv lip balm.

The Dermatoclean Micelar water is fragrance free, not harsh at all to the skin. Removes the makeup only from the surface gently and has a tiny bit of oil to it, leaving the skin hydrated.

I loved the fact that it did not hurt my eyes, it removed the mascara easily and also removes waterproof  makeup . But you still need to wash your face after this and use a toner to remove the remaining makeup.

The Lip Aktiv Lip Balm is perfect for people with harsh and chopped lips. Especially for the boys in the house. Why?
It is fragrance free, non sticky and hydrates the lips in minutes.
I really like this and since it is consistent you only need a tiny bit on your lips. It will last you long time, if you are not me....

I put a tonn. 

-also without colour, leaves an invisible sheen on your lips, you can't even tell you have lip balm

Now the Oil based Shower gel is dedicated to the persons with severely dry skin or with eczema or dermatitis. It also contains Dexpanthenol which has moisturizing properties.
At first I was abit afraid it will leave my skin greasy or sticky but no. When applyed to skin and rubbed into it transforms into a fine foam , very soft and silky.

It doesn't make a lot of foam like your basic shower gel but that to me is no problem. Also, it has a gentle smell to it, very fine and pleasent. Almost like honey. 
I really like this and my skin has improved a lot.

I recommend it if you have problematic skin and will last you a lot. You only need a bit of this.

Have you tried any of the products presented above?



marți, 19 mai 2015

Video Unboxing Oriflame C7 | Mademoiselle Lorraine

Buna fetelor,

A veni momentul pentru un nou clip de cumparaturi Oriflame. Este nceputul unei noi campanii, catalog nou, produse noi, vremuri noi. Stiti voi - alea alea...
Sincer m-am abtinut de la cateva produse, dat fiindca am prea multe.
Buuun. Deci, mi-am cumparat ce nu am avut hahah:))

Nici acum nu am incercat inca noul fond de ten Giordani, ma abtin foarte tare sa pot sa filmez un clip inainte , evident, pentru voi....

Vizionare placuta!

Va pup,

luni, 18 mai 2015

Karl Lagerfeld for Shu Uemura Shupette Collection Review

Taking in consideration my obsession with cats, this made me smile when I saw it because of it's adorable packaging. And since my beautiful Australian friend has an obsessin with felines as well, she gifted me some Shupette Items on our out-of-this-world-swap which you can re-watch here.

So Karl Lagerfeld for Shu Uemura Shupette Collection was available this past winter, now maybe you can only find them on E-bay.

The collection contains 15 pieces, including the Shupette Has-It-All Eye & Lip Palette, two eye trios, two rouge trios, blush singles, eyeliners, face powder, and a glitter set. Also included in are faux lashes, nail polish, cleansing oil, a brush set, and an eyelash curler.

I own these:

I have to admit, the most used item in the collection is the eyelash curler. Oh my God what a cuteness! I had some curlers in the past but I hated them because I always pinched my eyelid and I got a repugnant feeling about them , but when I received this I had to try again. And with this is easier. I don't know how to explain, I also take care when I am using it.
I know Shu Uemura has the best reputation when it comes to eyelash curlers so now I understand. I also love the effect of my lashes with this , they look very princesy.:)

Karl Lagerfeld for Shu Uemura Shupette Collection Review

The eyeshadows are slik, smooth and blend evenly. They are cool toned, so I don't wear them all together but separately with some warm tones.
You will see in the swatches below how pigmented they are without any primer underneath .

The lip colours are gorgeous! Very pigmented, and a little goes a long way. They are like a liquid lipstick, and last a long time on my lips.
The colours are very pretty , warm toned and perfect for my skin and hair colour.

The blush  to me is so unique! It is like a cushion. Bounces back , very soft and extremely pigmented. I like to use this with a stippling brush or dabbing it with my fngers. 
With a clasic natural hair brush it leaves some paches.
It is a warm toned peachey coral colour, goes very well paired with the lippies.
I love it!


What do you like more?


miercuri, 13 mai 2015

Review Sapunul Cheia - Traditional Romanesc

Intrebati bunica, mama, tata, toata lumea stie de Sapunul Cheia. Eu l-am folosit in copilarie, apoi , tre sa o intreb pe mama de ce nu l-am mai folosit, acum am revenit la el cu drag si interes fiindca din interes am reajuns sa il folosesc.
Ce interes? Eh, chestii feminine, sau probleme de make-up artist care dorea sa isi spele pensulele mai practic, mai susor si mai ieftin!
Am cumparat sapunul pentru pensule iar apoi, dupa cateva discutii cu domnul Alin Laslo, dansul este Cheia afacerii, a aparut si sapunul mare pentru pensule de machiaj, care m-a salvat!
Vine cu un suport util, curata pensulele excelent si mai nou si petele de machiaj de pe haine.. e universal!

Insa haideti sa va scriu acum si despre restul sapunurilor nu doar sapunul util pentru femeile care se machiaza!

Ia uitati povestea:

Benzile de sapun de unica folosinta pentru copii sunt excelente dupa parerea mea,  sunt dragalase colorate si astfel atrag copilasii, si le e mai mare dragul sa se spele pe maini. Pentru mine a ajuns si pentru 2 utilizari:))

Sau sapun la metru ..pentru excursii sau de tinut in geanta. chic, nu? 

Prima data cand am incercat Argila Albastra a fost de la Sapunul Cheia! Si ma bucur mult pentru ajuta foarte mult tenul acneic. Am un sapun cu Argila albastra si un plic cu argila pentru masti.
Mi-a ajutat foarte mutl tenul in ingrijirea lui si in intretinerea lui.
Daca aveti probleme cu tenul, neaparat trebuie sa incercati!

Sapunul cu ciocolata a trecut cel mai greu , nu fiindca nu mi-a placut ci se consuma greu, nu face foarte multa spuma si va pateaza peretii daca sunteti neatenti. Prefer celelalte sapunuri.

Daca doriti delicatese va recomand sapunurile speciale, pentru masaj!
Lasa pielea foarte fina si hidratata . Ajunge pentru mutle spalari. 

Ati putut citi in iarna review-ul la sapunul meu preferat de pensule care scoate petele de machiaj inclusiv de pe haine!

Mi-as dori sa mai adauge in portofoliu si un sapun cu ulei de masline. Oricum, daca le vizitati pagina, veti vedea ca au o gama extra super mega vasta de produse. Inclusiv cadouri, sapunuri sub diferite forme si marturii frumoase pentru nunta

Voi ce ati folosit?

Va pup,


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