joi, 30 aprilie 2015

Video: Sfaturi pentru un Selfie Perfect - #atelieruldeselfie

Buna fetelor,

Ce? Credeati  ca daca ieri am publicat clip azi nu avem? Imposibil. Sunt inspirata si motivata de catre voi sa filmez cat mai des si cu mult drag pentru fetele mele dragi si frumoase!

Asa ca azi va dau cateva sfaturi , care dupa parerea mea, sunt utile in publicarea unui Selfie reusit!
Trebuie sa recunosc ca imi place sa imi fac selfie-uri insa nu exagerez cu ele. Nu imi fac zilnic, sau din ora in fim seriosi..

Asa ca , va recomand sa tratati selfiurile cu sanatate si nu cu obsesie.

Cu aceasta ocazie, as dori sa va invit alaturi de Farmec la #atelieruldeselfie . 

Ce trebuie sa faceti?

Evident, un selfie cu produsul vostru Gerovital Happiness si sa va inscrieti la concursul organizat de catre Farmec pana pe 15 mai!! Asa ca, grabiti-va! dureaza doar cateva minute!

25 dintre voi vor fi alese si vor participa la #atelieruldeselfie pe 23 mai alaturi de un fotograf profesionist, Dorian Popa si un consilier Farmec.


miercuri, 29 aprilie 2015

Video: Cum imi organizez agenda si planerul Kikki K

Buna fetelor,

Am mai scris despre organizare pe blog, insa eramomentul si cazul sa va povestesc si pe canalul de YouTube, nu-i asa?

Imi place sa fiu organizata, sa imi notez mereu toate ideile, toate imbunatatirile pe care le doresc de zi cu zi, telefoanele importante ce trebuiesc semnate, contractele semnate si ce emailuri necesita raspuns urgent.

Dupa cum veti vedea am 3 agende active, bine , mai mult scriu in cea de job si cea personala , ea pentru blog mai mult o tin pe post de realizari, adica bifez ideile scrise cu saptamani in urma...
Insa....pentru job zilnic scriu noutati, iar in cea personala .. planuri personale, idei motivationale si altele.

Daca acest clip va fi primit cu drag de catre voi vor mai urma muuulte altele fiindca este o relaxare pentru mine sa organizez agenda si sa planuiesc in ea.

Vizionare placuta!


marți, 28 aprilie 2015

Beauty News Oriflame Catalogue C8 2015

Hey dolls, here are some exciting news from future launches by Oriflame Cosmetics! Hope you like it!

New Divine Idol perfume

New Summer nail polishes

Matte foundation

contour kit

summer editon perfume

with set 

very me palette

hair x range

Ecollagen day shield

What are you most excited about?


luni, 27 aprilie 2015

Video: Unboxing Oriflame C6 2015

Buna dragile mele,

Clipul mult asteptat este aici. Nu pot sa cred ce repede trece timpul, am inceput o noua campnie plina cu noutati. Am observat ca Oriflame lanseaza din ce in ce mai des accesorii de calitate si trendy .
Care bineinteles le apreciez., asa ca nu am rezistat noilor designuri, am profitat de reducerea mea de 40% si le-am cumparat!

Sper sa va inspire acest clip, va astept cu intrebari in sectiunea de comentarii.

Nu uitati de reduceri si de programul de bun venit!


Review: Nivea In-Shower Body Lotion and Body Milk

Hey Loves,

I think I will try to bring you from now on, 2 posts per day as often as I can . I have soooo many future posts saved as a draft , I think I can managed that. So today we will have this review, and later on a video. So please Subscribe to my channel. 
Not long ago I have received these 2 shower creams from Nivea. One is a PR sample and the other I got from my lovely friend, BeautyBarometer in our swap, seen here

Even though I haven't purchased these myself, my opinion about them is fair, and hasn't been influenced in any way or form:)

Buna fete dragi,

Cred ca va voi aduce de acum inainte 2 postari pe zi, de cate ori voi putea. Am o multime de articole salvate ca si ciorne care de abia asteapta sa fie publicate, asa ca stati pe aproape! Azi avem review si un video mai diseara! Asa ca va astept sa dati Subscribe.
Nu de mult am primit aceste 2 produse noi de la Nivea, adica una este o mostra PR si cealalta este un cadou de la prietena mea  BeautyBarometer vazut in swapul nostru aici

Chiar daca nu am cumparat personal aceste 2 produse, parerea mea nu a fost influentata in niciun fel.

The packaging is super easy to use because of its cap. It also has a good amount of product in it, which will last you at least a month. 250 ml
I love moisturizing my skin after shower, but when I am tooooo tired I prefer doing it with this product in the shower.

Ambalajul e super usor de folosit din cauza capacului. Deasemenea contine o cantitate suficienta de produs pentru a va ajunge cel putin o luna de zile - 250 ml
Imi place sa folosesc lotiune hidratanta dupa dus insa cand sunt super obosita prefer varianta aceasta de crema sub dus. Foarte rapida si eficienta aceasta metoda!

There are 2 differences in between these 2 products. One is a body milk, the other one is a body lotion with Q10.
The body milk is nourishing while the Q10 is for firming. So if you feel your skin is super dry and also needs some firming, go for the 2nd milk.
Also, while applying I felt my skin a bit greasy but after washing it off I have't had that feeling.
And it didn't made my skin more greasy after using it!

But, I personally prefer the New Q10 milk because it leaves your skin more soft , it contains small pearls of Q10 which also exfoliate a bit. 
You need to use it every shower to feel your skin more hydrated, do not expect from the beggining a super hydration!
The smell of both of them is the clasic Nivea smell.

Sunt 2 diferente intre acest 2 produse. Unul este un lapte de corp sub dus iar celalalt produs este o lotiune de corp sub dus.
Prima este pentru hranitoare, nutrivita, in timp de a doua ofera si fermitate pielii pe langa hidratare datorita Q10. Deci daca aveti o piele extrem de uscata va recomand prima varianta.
Odata aplicat pe piele l-am simtit cam gras, insa dupa ce l-am intins si spalat nu l-am simtit deloc gras si uleios. Si nici nu s-a ingrasat pielea din cauza acestui produs.

Eu personal prefer noul lapte Cu Q10, mi se pare ca lasa pielea mult mai fina din cauza perlelor mici cu Q10, care parca si exfoliaza foarte bland.
Pentru a observa rezultate pe piele, adica o hidratare intensa trebuie sa il folositi de fiecare data cand faceti dus, nu se vad rezultate enorme de la prima aplicare.
Mirosul este unul placut, clasic Nivea.

Pe care l-ati incercat?
Which one have you tried?


vineri, 24 aprilie 2015

Video: Spring Makeup Tutorial for small eyes - In English

Hello gorgeous!

This is my first English video and I did it with lots of love for you ladies! I though I would dedicate this makeup for the ladies with small eyes. This makeup you can use during the day or at work . 
It is very simple to make and please use whatever you have at home. I tried some new makeup!

Please live me your feedback in the comments section and also you future request videos.



joi, 23 aprilie 2015

Review Crago Let's meet in Paris palette

Hi girls,

Last week I have showed you on the blog the review for my first Cargo pallete - Vintage escape.
Today I bring you my other dear Cargo palette - Let's meet in Paris. On some international websites it is still available, sometimes on sale also.

It is a great investment. I mean are. They both are stunning, good quality, a must have for good quality makeup lovers like myself.

The packaging is sturdy but not heavy, good fabric embelishment and  good for traveling.

It comes with a double ended brush as well. One with sinthethyc fibres one with natural hair.

It comes with 12 shimmery, metallic shades. These are more on the cooler side, but since I do makeup on clients, it is perfect for my collection and for myself as well.

They can be used dry or wet, I sometimes prefer to damp my brush with Fix+ by MAC, and than apply to my lids.

The color payoff at some of them is better that way.

The only shade that gave me a headache is Baguette. So dry and the least pigmented but can be build up.


Do you like it? 
What do you think about Crago products? 


marți, 21 aprilie 2015

Video: GRWM Machiaj de zi folosind Produse noi Full Face!

Hey girls,

here is a new makeup tutorial that I did for you guys with lot's of love! I have used only new products and I'm telling my opinion about them.
I really love everything, hopefully you too!

My sweet kitten dress can be found here.

Buna fetelor,

V-am pregatit cu mult drag un nou tutorial de machiaj, unul purtabil , de zi, folosind doar produse noi.
L-am facut in stil - Get ready with me fiindca am machiat si fata deodata cu voi!
Sper sa va placa noul stil de editare si continut.
Vizionare placuta!


sâmbătă, 18 aprilie 2015

Video: Tutorial Machiaj pentru Evenimente de zi


I tought about the ladies who attend event during the day. I only get to see tutorial for night events, prom, wedding - nothing for the Sunday event , cocktail or friday afternoon event. So here it is, my take on a makeup I would use during the day on a special event. 
Even though it is in Romanian, you can easily understand what I am doing. 
PS: Next week you will see an English tutorial!

M-am gandit sa va arat un machiaj pentru evenimentele ce au loc in timpul zilei - ceva pentru petrecerea de vineri dupa masa, botezul de duminica sau un cocktail. 
Daca doriti un ruj mai putin intens, va recomand un nude - rozaliu - extrem de elegant.
Machiajul este foarte usor si rapid asa ca sper sa va placa!

Vizionare placuta!


V-a placut? 


vineri, 17 aprilie 2015

Review - Nivea Q10 Plus Serum Pearls

So, I'm finally here talking to you guys about my first skin care product from Nivea. This is a new launch by them, it is called  Q10 Plus Serum Pearls . An innovation in a bottle, a pearl serum specially created for wrinkles. 

Si-am venit sa va povestesc despre primul meu produs dedicat ingrijirii tenului de la Nivea. Un produs nou lansat , o inovatie de la Nivea care se numeste Q10 Plus Serum Pearls . Un ser sub forma de perle pentru ingrijirea in profunzime a ridurilor. 

It comes in a plastic bottle with a pump. And what is interesting is that when you pump the product the pearls activate and you get a smooth , silky mousse texture out.
The formula of the product has a unique technology because of the pearls which encapsulates the highest concentration of coenzyme Q10 that NIVEA has in it's range.
Because of it's light weight texture you can use it twice a day, but I chose to use it only in the morning since it gives me a very fresh feeling that I like. 
It has a fine smell, not disturbing at all, it reminds me of the classic Nivea cream smells.

I actually noticed some changes in fine lines after two weeks of using it, they are still there but like smaller. 

Produsul vine ambalat intr-o sticluta de plastic cu o pompita. Si ceea ce este interesant, este faptul ca in momentul pomparii, perlutele se activeaza si se sparg, astfel incat tu in palma primesti un ser extrem de fin , ca o spuma matasoasa.
Formula produsului are la baza o tehnologie unica pe care cei de la Nivea au pus-o in aplicare, si anume, in perle au incapsulat cea mai mare concentratie de coenzima Q10 pe care Nivea o are in portofoliu.
Din cauza textura sale atat de usoare poate fi folosit atat seara cat si dimineata. Eu prefer sa aplic doar dimineata fiindca imi ofera o senzatie de prospetime si simt cu adevarat ca m-am trezit.
Are un miros placut, deloc deranjant, imi aduce aminte de parfumul clasic Nivea din toate cremele.

Am constatat niste schimbari la liniile mele fine dupa 2 saptamani de utilizare, sunt inca acolo dar mai diminuate.

Colier cu pene de la Accesories Maria

Have you tried it?

L-ati incercat?


joi, 16 aprilie 2015

Review Oriflame Giordani Gold Lip pencils

Hey loves,

so, I have these 2 lip pencils from Giordani Gold by Oriflame and I am so pleased with them that I need the other 3 colours too.
If you don't know, Giordani Gold is the luxury range from Oriflame, always inspired by the latest makeup trends and a bit similar ( sometimes) to Chanel.

The details on the range it is always black and gold, the new lip pencils make no exception.

They come in a pretty box , very elegant, but , of course I threw them out...

I forgot to mention they are double sided, so on one side you have the actual pencil and on the other way the brush. It's a good quality brush, very soft , made out of real hair , but it may take a while to spread the pencil because it is very powdery, it is mostely for the actual lipstick.

The pencils themselfs are gorgeous, very pigmented, long lasting, not creamy but not dry also, I think they found a good formula for these.

It prolongs so much the lippies life if you wear them on all your lips!

You can purchese these with discount if you are a direct client!

Left is Rose, and Right is Nude

I definitely recommand them and buy them again!

Have you tried them?


miercuri, 15 aprilie 2015

Review Cargo Vintage Escape palette

Do you know that feeling when you want something but it is so hard to get it? Well I had that feeling during my hunt for these. Why? Because they are so hard to find in's like they deprive us from the companies. So of course..what is hard to get it is always way more interesting , right?

Cargo can be sometimes find in the UK, but don't know other websites that ship in Romania beside UK sites, which is how I ordered mine. 
I got the Vintage Escape and the Let's meet in Paris palettes.

I'm going to splurge it from now and already tell you You Need them! I love them!

The packaging is sturdy but not heavy, faux leather, good for traveling. Of course I dropped it on the floor and nothing happened to it. What do you think, I am not clumpsy? I am very very often! 

It comes with a double ended brush . One perfect for brows, not liner and the other for the crease. Well , you can use it as you wish:)

I love how the colours are arranged and it is a pretty big palette, I thought it would be smaller, like the Anastasia Beverly Hills Palette, but no, this is larger.

You will receive 12 shadows, warm toned, some matte some satin, some metallic. 
Super soft, pigmented, easy to work with. You can blend them easily and build the colour.
Exeption has to make the black colour which is stuborn and didn't come off swatched as in the pan, but on the eyes went black...weird

Swatches with No flas / Flash

Have you tried it?
What do you think?


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